Friday, March 15, 2013

Writing Discussion: Good Writing Habits

Today, I was asked what my best writing habit is. I had to think about it for a moment before answering. Eventually, I decided my best writing habit is that I keep doing it. I write something every day. I may write part of a paper for my class, a report for my job, a work of fiction, a post for this blog, etc, but the point is I write at least something every day. 

Now, not everything I write is wonderful. Some of the words I write one day, don’t make the cut in the next draft. There are a few reasons for this. Sometimes I write things that just don’t make any sense. Obviously, they need to go. More often, though, there’s nothing actually wrong with what I’ve written, I’ve just thought of a better, more effective way to say it. But that’s the beauty of writing every day. It keeps me sharp and focused, and it provides me with drafts to continuously improve before I turn in the final product. 

Most of my writing life revolves around deadlines. I had due dates for papers when I was a student (I still do; although I’m primarily taking my course for fun). Now, I have deadlines for articles when I take freelance assignments. I also have personal goals to keep me from getting stagnant in my progress with various projects. 

My total word count per day varies. On average, I probably write around 1,000 words a day. Most days, those words are spread between multiple projects and genres. 

Now it’s your turn. What are your writing habits? What habits would you like to build? 

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